PetCop Pet Forums

USING The PetCop Pet Forums => Forum Rules and Guidelines => : the PetCop Team October 13, 2009, 08:52:42 PM

: PetCop Pet Forums Rules and Guidelines
: the PetCop Team October 13, 2009, 08:52:42 PM
Please read and comply with the following Rules and Guidelines while using the PetCop Pet Forums.

1. Postings must be acceptable for ALL audiences.
2. Post to the appropriate forum. (If your post is about Dogs, post your topic in the "Dogs" forum.)
3. No abusive postings. You can disagree, but do it nicely.
4. Only advertise in your signature or in the "Classified Pet Ads".
5. No third party or affiliate advertising ANYWHERE within the forums.
6. When registering a "User Name", please do not use the word PetCop or any name that would imply you are an employee of PetCop.

Please adhere to these simple rules. Deviation is unacceptable and users will be banned from the forums.
By registering at the PetCop Pet Forums you agree to these terms.
PetCop reserves the right to delete, edit or ban any post or user.

Thank You and ENJOY!!!
The PetCop Pet Forums Team

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